COVID-19 Response

At times such as these, I am reminded that our nation’s history has been forged by people and communities coming together to work as one

HRH Queen Elizabeth II

In summary, this project to build maps showing Covid-19 UK cases and good causes has been 80% accomplished. Our goal is to make these maps to help build hope and show the UK public most of the extraordinarily amazing work on the ground, has largely been achieved by our fantastic team of unpaid volunteers.

We are normally an Africa based charity but, in the light of the global pandemic, we have decided to diversify. With the help of local data collectors we’re mapping the extraordinary response in the UK to Coronavirus, building hope where we can.

In the coming weeks, we would also very much like to map other countries in the same way.

Through our UK maps, we illustrate the number of cases and deaths in every UK hospital, allowing you to track the spread of the virus in your community.

Against these grim statistics we are looking to provide more hope by celebrating the incredible work people are doing to support the National Health Service. We’re also  supporting people made vulnerable in the community by mapping who these incredible people are, where they are based, and what they are doing.

On our “Great Big UK Hope Map” we are plotting these wonderful people and outlining their projects. This should help you find charities and groups in your local area and donate to them directly through our map.

However, if you just want to support a general charity or national theme, we have listed below some amazing groups.

We have completed initial mapping and built some great partnerships. We now need two things i) maximum publicity and ii) £200,000 would go an awfully long way towards paying for the core expenses of an unpaid team of volunteers, over a 2 year launch of a standing Global MapAid team in the UK.

Charities worth supporting during this pandemic

The National Emergencies Trust

Working with local charities and distribution partners, The National Emergencies Trust has launched a fundraising appeal to ensure that financial support is delivered to those who need it most during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Support your local foodbank

The Trussell Trust support a nationwide network of foodbanks providing emergency food to those in need. You can donate to them or to one of hundreds of local foodbanks available on Give as you Live Donate.

Help the homeless

Many people who are homeless - whether rough-sleeping or without permanent accommodation - lack access to washing facilities and santiser products. They may also be unable to self-isolate. They are therefore more vulnerable to the virus - charities including Crisis, Shelter and Centrepoint exist to help these people.

Support the vulnerable

Whilst self-isolating is critical to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it also presents a risk for victims of loneliness or domestic abuse. By donating to charities such as Age UK, British Red Cross and Refuge, you can help vulnerable people across the country.

Support our NHS team

The NHS is coming under a huge amount of strain as our amazing healthcare professionals treat those who have contracted COVID-19, with many former employees returning to the NHS to help share the load. You can help show your thanks for their incredible work by donating to NHS Charities Together, who support NHS staff, volunteers and trusts all across the country.

Help animal charities

The financial impact of COVID-19 has led to many pet owners turning to animal charities as they find themselves struggling to afford daily necessetities and vet fees. Your donation to charities such as RSPCA, Cats Protection and Dogs Trust can help them cope with the increased demand for their services.

The National Emergencies Trust

Working with local charities and distribution partners, The National Emergencies Trust has launched a fundraising appeal to ensure that financial support is delivered to those who need it most during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Support your local foodbank

The Trussell Trust support a nationwide network of foodbanks providing emergency food to those in need. You can donate to them or to one of hundreds of local foodbanks available on Give as you Live Donate.

Help the homeless

Many people who are homeless - whether rough-sleeping or without permanent accommodation - lack access to washing facilities and santiser products. They may also be unable to self-isolate. They are therefore more vulnerable to the virus - charities including Crisis, Shelter and Centrepoint exist to help these people.

Support the vulnerable

Whilst self-isolating is critical to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it also presents a risk for victims of loneliness or domestic abuse. By donating to charities such as Age UK, British Red Cross and Refuge, you can help vulnerable people across the country.

Support our NHS team

The NHS is coming under a huge amount of strain as our amazing healthcare professionals treat those who have contracted COVID-19, with many former employees returning to the NHS to help share the load. You can help show your thanks for their incredible work by donating to NHS Charities Together, who support NHS staff, volunteers and trusts all across the country.

Help animal charities

The financial impact of COVID-19 has led to many pet owners turning to animal charities as they find themselves struggling to afford daily necessetities and vet fees. Your donation to charities such as RSPCA, Cats Protection and Dogs Trust can help them cope with the increased demand for their services.