
MapAid have helped me start my new business, giving me my first big project

Ramita Maharjan, Nepal

In summary, this project is to map where business incubators need to be placed by development agencies, that in turn will enable improved local employment. 10% of this goal now has been assured by short-term funding.

In April 2015, Nepal suffered a devastating earthquake that killed over 8,000 people. This followed the end of the decade-long civil war in 2006 which resulted in rural depopulation and economic destruction, leading to youth migration to work in India and the Gulf states.

MapAid urgently wants to support and boost the local economy, by working with our local partners, the Nepal Economic Forum and the Kathmandu Living Labs, to make maps that clearly show how and where local industry and business is located and where resources are limited. These maps will help identify where social enterprise providers — such as vocational colleges, microfinance institutions and NGOs, are required, to help plug gaps in employment opportunities.

What will your donation do?

Your donation helps us build these maps. Our maps allow other charities to know exactly where to focus their efforts, for example where economic aid for small start-up family businesses is required. Our maps ensure that donations to other charities are not wasted.

When the maps are made, they will be useful to advise policymakers and donors and development agencies on where to invest in sustainable job creation to help rebuild the local economy.

We have completed initial studies and built good local partnerships. We now need £130,000 to pay for a 2 year launch of a standing Global MapAid team in Nepal.