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Global MapAid is largely made up of skilled unpaid volunteers, governed by independent directors, so you can be assured that all of your donation will be spent efficiently in the UK, Ethiopia or Nepal. We believe people across the planet are all equal, so we will spend the money you give us with great care and attention to detail, worthy of both your generosity and the amazing commitment of our unpaid volunteers, who have a say in where and how Global MapAid stewards the money it is entrusted.


We have a variety of ways in which you can support us allowing you to decide how you wish to donate.


If you want to donate over a long period of time, or set up a direct debit, please donate through the green Donate Now button on the right, which enters our Give As You Live portal. Give As You Live is also a great way to support us without spending any more money than you would normally and you can read about that here! When donating though Give As You Live there are 3 ways to donate. You can donate as you shop, donate as a one off or donate on a direct debit basis.

If you prefer PayPal and want to donate immediately, please use PayPal as the Donate Now box below.


Thank you for choosing to donate to Global MapAid.


Supporting Our Heroes

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Building Boreholes

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Sustainable Development

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